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Finally got to Pt2, and all the relationships changed... landlady, friend, neighbor. What gives? I saved at the end of Pt1, doesn't it carry through?

It requires you to save at the end of each Part to keep your info. Remember Part3-5 is available through the website link above the download link. Hope this helps ;)

is there any reason for not making a direct download from itch?

You have to go to their actual updates. They're up to v59 (part 5). Also, after this section in the image, I get an error. And if I continue to play after choosing ignore, it will give me more errors later.

That error usually mean you're playing with an outdated patch or mod

I'm still using the patch you have up. I haven't seen any new patches or so call mods. Unless only people supporting can now get them?

this is the error I get all the time:

KeyError: u'gna'


You can find patches on

(1 edit) (+1)

I know the issue.  The issue is that the patch listed on Itchio does not have an updated Character identifier for the Great-Grandmother. 

Opening the file with notepad and adding the following line to it will solve the problem.

define gna = (_("great grandmother"))

or download from Grandmas House - Part 4+

Abandoned game?


Still getting updates just not on here, think its up to 0.68 at the moment


Ah, guess they forgot to update itch


Was not prepared for how wholesome you managed to make this, just downloading part 2 now but can safely say it's without doubt one of the best games on here!

Just to let you know , there isnt a way to download this game on the Itch app

how do I install the taboo patch?


I haven't begun the game yet but typically with these types of patches you just extract and then drop it into the "game" folder.


If this had animations it would be the greatest AVN of all time hands down and even without them this game is fantastic the relationships aren't rushed and keep you heavily invested and wanting more by far the best I've played since Young Again and Family at Home

version .56 seems to be broken 99% of the images are missing


Would you mind putting news here aswell whenever game gets update? Some people follow on so we would get notifications about updates


so. many. redheads.

hell yea.

Will the taboo patch still work for part 4?

Yes, I've been using it for the newest update and it works just fine.

Hey when is part 3 going to be available


it's available on their website already


What happened to the download link for the game? has patches up to .51



I hate to ask, but I need to know. How much pregnancy content is there? Is there whole story lines, or is it just a random epilogue scene here and there?


There are whole story lines for the pregnancy content. If I remember correctly you get to choose whether or not your college girlfriend is pregnant when she visits you?(Been awhile since I have played the start of the game to be honest.)  Then she is pregnant for all her scenes after. Not too long ago she gave birth, so the MC has a daughter now. 

Awesome! Thanks for letting me know!

Deleted 279 days ago

Yea seems only a patch is here, you need to go to the website listed above to get the full game. Be sure to get all 3 parts as well as it seems you need to play them in order. 

It's also available on steam.

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I just came across a CG clothes mess up. When Thomas comes back home from Jada's early in the modning, Shizuka comes in to the room wearing her maid outfit. But, the next dialogue where it says she gets on top of him, the images changes to her in her clothes she wears for bed.

I tried going to your site and it's saying it's down. Are you remodeling it?


It looks like they're doing some maintenance work. You can find the downloads on my Subscribstar page too.

Will it be possible to get Priya and Jamila pregnant? I really want to be able to get both of them pregnant, especially Priya first. Furthermore, are we getting close to having content with Alisson?

Priya is infertile from what I remember right? So I don't know if she will ever get pregnant in the story but hey MC does have super sperm so it might happen. 

For Jamila it is a possibility we are  getting real close to her sex scenes with the last few updates. Plus she is already lactating.

Allision still looks to be awhile...

Yes, with Alison there is still a lot to do, Jamila is very close, I believe that if not in this one, it will be in the next one and as for Priya, she seems to have difficulty getting pregnant, but not that it is impossible and really the mc has super sperm then hahaha

when i downloaded the game and it said i cant extract the file can anyone help me?

(1 edit) (+1)

why cant i play the game? i have downloaded it and extract it but the game application is no there

How often do you release a new update MoonBoxGames?  

1st and 15th of every month. The update becomes public 12 days after that, so 13th and 27th


I downloaded the game a little while ago and damn. I really loved the game. All the girls have their charm and I loved Shizuka's and Asami's adorableness. I'm not into GILF but I love Nana and Jamila. And also Amy. I like Liz and Kathy but after their first sex scene they somewhat became addicted to sex. Kinda like became depraved. Not a bad thing but mostly they want to have sex instead of having a romance. The same thing with other characters who shows more lust than love. Who am I to judge? It's a sex game ffs lol. For someone who will never experience it I just want to experience love even if it's from a drawn character. 

I wish I can have Nana's or Jamila's relationship. Or even Amy's. Even without sex I can totally feel that they loved the MC and I really want to experience that but I know it's just a wishful thinking. 

Overall a great game. Maybe you are not checking the comments here but if you somewhat saw this I just want to let you know that I loved the game so much and I can't wait for the update. 10/10

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Is there a version missing from 0.34 (which I finished until update a while ago) to v0.37 which is the lowest I could find on the Moonbox site? I noticed the fact that on the site Part 2 goes to v0.37, when the original Part 2 from the first three versions I played, ended at v0.34

After playing through the set v.016 > v.027 > v0.34, (I DL'd all of them manually from 3rd party anyway because itch was anal about file sizes and crap even back then), a few times already. I'd really hate it if I screwed up my saves from downloading the wrong thing, causing yet another play-through from scratch.

Don't get me wrong I love the game. However it's at the point where I have scenes memorized far in advance of my actual progress.

{Also I'm suffering from Redhead withdrawals, and wondering how my pregnant Paveena fares} 


When are we going to see more of the devil's cult 🤣🤣🤣?

Hello everyone. I played through Grandma's House part 3 v40. I had the load the game issue every time I went to play the game. I found out I had to reload the game after I imported the save file. Then I could load one of my past save files. Also I keep having error messages all through out the game but, could wait and they would clear and I could keep playing. Might be an issue on my end because I play on a MacBook. There is a spot close to the end of the last update patch. Where the screen goes black and you only get the text on the screen. I will have to replay it again find that spot. 

so i play v 40 and i am playing now the Grandmas House College Days game why the heck is the animation better.

No matter how many times i save on "SAVE NOW" in part 2 i have nothing want to load the game


Is anyone playing part 3 (0.38) on PC with no problems? If so, how did you do it? Mine won't load the savefile. Also, the download was really small.

save on the save now screen that worked for me when loading

It's an specific error. Someone has the same problem but I haven't seen an answer. Let me copy it: "it's giving me a script error. It's saying that game ending rnpy is diffined twice. Then it gives a full trace back report. I've tried three different sites to download and each one is the same. Plus the file size is 421meg and the reported size on Moonbox site is 441meg"

Just downloaded Part 3 update and it's giving me a script error. It's saying that game ending rnpy is diffined twice. Then it gives a full trace back report. I've tried three different sites to download and each one is the same. Plus the file size is 421meg and the reported size on Moonbox site is 441meg. Maybe something missing ? Cheers.

exact same problem. tried a few things but it's not working. maybe we're missing instructions?

Will there be a part 4 to this game?

I saved at "SAVE NOW" in part 0.37, but when i opened 0,38 my save wasn't there 

Can someone tell me how to fix it??

Loving the game. Finding many of the relationships  really intriguing to follow. The one issue I have, and maybe someone can answer what the reason for this is, but how have Paris Maid and Elevator girl formed their cult while pregnant, but the likes of Liz and Cat aren't yet?

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Can anyone tell me how to put theTaboo Patch?

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If you just click on the subscribe star link you don't need the patch!!  Unless the patch makes it un-incesty!!  To be honest, I'm not sure what the patch does!!  I just hope part two is not the end!!  

And has part 1 version

The website has the 0.36 update to let you all know

So I just bought this game and downloaded from the f95 site. I went to start a new game and it asked for a save file? Since I had none I had to make a new one which led to a bunch of choices. Is there a first part to this game that's not available?

so when is part 3 coming

getting an error: image 'day 79 morn01' not found. So far this has continued through morn48. Would reinstalling part 2 help or no?

I had the same issue. Re installing fixed it for me 

When you coming out with .36 or wat ever is next

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